The Scriptures call us to welcome the stranger and to care in justice for those in need. “You shall treat the alien who resides with you no differently than the natives born among you; you shall love the alien as yourself; for you too were once aliens in the land of Egypt.” Leviticus 19:34 ““Defend the lowly and fatherless; render justice to the afflicted and needy. Rescue the lowly and poor…” Psalm 82:3-4a “Be generous in offering hospitality.” Romans 12:13
St. Francis of Assisi chose to live as a poor man to care for the poor of his time. This included the sick and the lepers and those rejected by others.
In that spirit we provide Franciscan Hospitality to a variety of people.
- Groups and individuals who are looking for a place for retreats led by the friars or by their own leaders.
- Religious and Non profit groups seeking a welcoming place for prayer, conferences, or other gatherings.
- Those who live out of town and need a place to stay while they receive medical treatment locally.
- Those who are refugees and need a temporary place, especially families who have permission to seek asylum and want help to get to family members or sponsors in the US.
- Those who are in imminent danger of deportation and are trying to keep their family together.
- Those who seek the assistance of a 12 step program to deal with addiction (Sundays at 4:30pm in the library)
- Individuals who need a night or two in transition.
- Visits to two prisons each month to offer confessions, a celebration of the Eucharist, and hope to the incarcerated who cannot travel to visit anywhere.
In this way, we offer direct service to those in need. At the same time as we are working with groups to promote justice and change systems, such as a local community organizing group called CAFé, that leave people vulnerable and poor. Often a warm welcome, a caring person to listen, a nice meal, and a room are very healing to people. Consider how you can promote justice, offer a form of hospitality yourself, or join us in our Franciscan Hospitality!