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Transitus of St. Francis of Assisi

Start Date: 10/03/2024
End Date: 10/03/2024

St. Francis of Assisi died in 1226, having impacted not only so many people in his own time, but also so many other in the history of the Catholic Church and the world since then.  The evening of October 3rd, at 7:30pm, Holy Cross Retreat Center will commemorate his life and his “Transitus,” that is his transition from life on earth to life with God.  The Secular Franciscan Fraternity and the local friars will host a time of prayer and song and reflection on his life and impact since then. You are most welcome to join us in our main chapel.                                                           The address is 600 Holy Cross Retreat Center, Mesilla Park, NM, two miles south of University Ave. off of South Main Street in Las Cruces.  

Contact  Holy Cross Retreat Center for if you have any questions.  575 524-3688.



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