During this weekend retreat, we will prayerfully reflect on the ways God’s grace (God’s Love energy) flows through us in our lives and work, especially in our relationships. As we become more fully the “embodied-spiritual persons” we are called to be, we help knit together the communion of persons and creation all around us. As we see that we are created from the heart of our passionate and compassionate God, we hopefully will grow more fully into our personal gifts to embody God’s grace and love here and now.
Quote: “With grace and cultivation, eros (God’s divine energy) expands from romantic attraction toward lifelong devotion, from a twinge of emotional pity to courageous acts in pursuit of justice, from the early surges of empathy into the mature ability to recognize strangers, foreigners, and even enemies as ‘like us’ – beloved children of God.” Evelyn and James Whitehead . Facilitated by Fr. Henry Beck, OFM